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River Boat Cruise: Pros and Cons

When it comes time to plan a vacation, formats and concepts for your getaway abound. Backpacking, train-hopping, all-inclusive or hostels? Beach, mountain or metropolitan? Each possibility brings with it its own set of pros and cons to weigh and consider. All that said, pause for a moment on river cruises: They’re something like the platypus of the vacation world. Every aspect adds up to be unique, but whether it’s a boon or a bust is a matter of perspective — one traveler’s pro is another traveler’s con, after all. With that, let’s ponder some of the pros and cons of river cruises.


Give the example of a European getaway and a litany of destinations will spring to mind — with some certainly carrying more weight than others. But, what do the storied spires of Budapest, the enchanting canals of Amsterdam and the fabled Black Forest of Germany all have in common? Surprisingly, they can all be enjoyed through a river cruise.

STREAMLINING YOUR TRAVEL PLANS Ever wanted to string multiple destinations together in one trip? Juggling connecting flights, carry-on bags, checked bags and boarding passes through multiple foreign airports isn’t a particularly breezy experience, no matter your acumen for flying. Simplifying the ordeal with only one roundtrip flight is a unique benefit a river cruise holds over a traditional vacation — and it benefits exponentially with the help of one of our travel agents. Streamlining travel tends to be a pro for every kind of traveler possible — unless you revel in airport pandemonium.

PEACE OF MIND PROVIDED BY AN ITINERARY Maybe some people relish in the chaos of not knowing what’s next for their vacation — booking hotels as they’re en route to the next city, waking up in the morning with no real plan for the day, wandering the streets until they stumble upon something interesting. That’s certainly a pro for the “spontaneous” crowd. But for those who take solace in knowing there’s nothing to stress about, the sailing itinerary of a cruise will speak to you: Spend your days living in the moment, knowing full well you don’t need to worry about how you’re getting to the next city or where you’re staying. Still pondering the pros and cons of a river cruise and if it’s right for you? Speak with one of our travel agents — they can help you answer whether it’s your perfect getaway. Not only do they hold a host of insights and tips, but also they can provide a wealth of exclusive perks and amenities through their professional connections to the leading names in the industry. At Small Town Wanderer we work with most river boat companies but really recommend and love either Avalon or Viking as our preferred river boat suppliers.

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